9 errors to avoid on the WordPress CMS

9 errors to avoid on the WordPress CMS - image GeekWorkers - 1

Famous for its power and flexibility, the WordPress CMS makes it easy to create a website. Even when you don't have web development skills! However, its many options make us quickly make mistakes, without even realizing it.

10 reasons to choose WooCommerce to create a WordPress e-commerce site

Create a WordPress e-commerce site

Do you want to launch your online store and use the WordPress CMS? You made the right choice, this is one of the best. But to create a WordPress e-commerce site, it is necessary to consider the choice of the appropriate extension for a successful online store. WooCommerce is definitely the perfect plugin for this.

WooCommerce stands out as the leader in its field with a market share close to 40% in the sector of CMS dedicated to e-commerce.

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