Improve the quality of your images for FREE using AI with Upscayl

Improve the quality of your images for FREE using AI with Upscayl - image GeekWorkers - 5

Upscayl: The AI tool that revolutionizes your graphics workflow As a web agency in Lausanne, we understand the challenges that graphic designers, web designers and other creators face on a daily basis. Among these challenges is the need to obtain high-quality images, even when the original sources are limited. This is where Upscayl comes in. Video presentation […]

Create an online store with WordPress and WooCommerce: The complete video guide

Create an online store with WordPress and WooCommerce: The complete video guide - image GeekWorkers - 9

Do you dream of launching your own online store? WordPress, associated with its WooCommerce extension, is the ideal solution to make this project a reality. As an expert web agency based in Lausanne, Geekworkers supports you at every stage of creating your e-commerce. Why choose WordPress and WooCommerce? WordPress is the […]

Google Ads Guide [2024] to Optimize your Search Campaigns and Max Performance

Google Ads Guide [2024] to Optimize your Search Campaigns and Max Performance - image GeekWorkers - 11

Do you want to propel your business in French-speaking Switzerland thanks to the power of Google Ads? Do not search anymore ! As a Google Ads expert web and marketing agency, Geekworkers reveals some tips to outperform your campaigns. This comprehensive guide provides you with proven strategies to achieve up to 2'000% return on investment […]

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