3 steps to acquire and convert your prospects into customers with your website

By Geekworkers
On the agenda for this article:

(1) Attract visitors, (2) generate interest, and (3) drive conversions with a sales-optimized website

As a Swiss web agency specializing in site creation WordPress with Elementor and the campaigns Google Ads, we reveal the 3 phases to achieve this objective and boost your online activity.

Here's how to acquire and convert your prospects into customers πŸ’‘

1. Define a clear strategy and establish a strong identity

Before you start creating your website, it is crucial to define a clear digital strategy and take care of your brand identity. This involves:

  • Define your specific business goals : What do you want to achieve with your website? Increase your sales, generate leads, or strengthen your notoriety?
  • Identify your target : Who is your website aimed at? What are their needs and expectations?
  • Establish your unique positioning : What differentiates you from your competitors? What is your added value?

A strong and consistent visual identity is also essential to convey your brand message and stand out from the competition. This includes :

  • A recognizable logo
  • A defined graphic charter
  • A consistent tone of voice

2. Design a high-performance, conversion-optimized website

Your website must be both aesthetic and efficient to provide an optimal user experience and generate conversions. For this, it is essential to:

  • Choose a modern and attractive design
  • Optimize loading speed
  • Ensure smooth and intuitive navigation
  • Implement clear and visible calls to action (CTAs)
  • Write impactful and convincing texts

3. Implement targeted marketing actions to attract and convert

A high-performance website is not enough. It is essential to implement targeted marketing actions to attract qualified visitors and convert them into customers. To do this, we advise you to:

  • Create Google Ads campaigns to target relevant keywords and drive traffic to your website.
  • Optimize your natural referencing (SEO) to improve your positioning in search results.
  • Set up email marketing campaigns to nurture your leads and retain them.
  • Liven up your social networks to create an engaged community around your brand.

The WordPress and Elementor ecosystem: your allies for creation

3 steps to acquire and convert your prospects into customers with your website - image GeekWorkers - 1
3 steps to acquire and convert your prospects into customers with your website 1

To create a powerful and easily customizable website, we recommend the use of WordPress, the most popular CMS (free & open source) in the world with more than 60% market share, coupled to Elementor, a powerful drag-and-drop page builder. This package gives you unparalleled flexibility and creative freedom, while allowing you to implement advanced features such as contact forms, online stores and reservation systems.

WordPress: https://wordpress.org/
Elementor: https://elementor.com/

Infomaniak: a reliable and efficient Swiss host

To guarantee the speed, security and availability of your website, we recommend hosting with Infomaniak, a Swiss hosting provider renowned for its quality services. Infomaniak offers hosting solutions adapted to all needs, from a simple website to a high-performance e-commerce site.

Infomaniak: https://www.infomaniak.com/

Google Ads and conversion tracking with Tag Manager

To boost the visibility of your website and attract qualified visitors, we advise you to use Google Ads, the world's most powerful online advertising platform. With Google Ads, you can target your advertising campaigns precisely and drive targeted traffic to your website.

To measure the effectiveness of your marketing actions and track conversions, it is essential to use Google Tag Manager, a free tool that lets you easily manage your tracking tags and analyze conversion data.

Google Ads: https://ads.google.com/home/

In conclusion

By following these 3 secrets and taking advantage of WordPress, Elementor, Infomaniak, Google Ads and Tag Manager technologies, you put all the chances on your side to create a website that converts, boosts your business and helps you achieve your business objectives .

Remember that the success of a website depends on a combination of clear strategy, careful design, optimized content and an effective marketing strategy.

Contact our web agency today to benefit from personalized support and create a website that will make your business shine.

To go further: Useful links and sources for the article

Visibility & Identity

Acquisition & Conversion

Other tools and solutions

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