Create a wordpress website

5 reasons to create a WordPress website

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Choose WordPress, yes, but why? Is my site not performing well enough? Why WordPress and not another platform? These are questions often asked by our customers. You may be wondering about them too, and good news, you're on the right page!

In this article, we give you the main reasons why you should create a WordPress website. We will also explain to you what types of site it is possible to create on this platform, and to show you that the Geeks are not lying to you, we will show you some of our achievements.

To note : when we mention WordPress, we are talking about, also known as self-hosted WordPress. Do not confuse with, which is a hosting service.

One of the most common misconceptions about WordPress is that it is exclusively a blogging platform. But WordPress has more than one trick up its sleeve and the creative possibilities are much more numerous.

While WordPress was initially a blogging tool, it has evolved into the essential website creation tool and a content management system (CMS) solid.

Its strong point? Its ease of use and flexibility to create any kind of website. This makes this platform one of the most used.

According to a study by w3techs, WordPress stands for 43 % from all websites on line.

Many companies decide to create and manage their website with WordPress because the robustness of its features has proven itself. This is particularly the case of the Toyota car dealership, or even the BBC America audiovisual channel.

Find out why it is advantageous to create a WordPress website.

Create a wordpress website

1. WordPress: a royalty-free platform

WordPress is free software. This means that you are free to download, install, use and modify it to suit your needs. You can use it to create any type of website.

Be aware, however, that although the WordPress software itself is free, you need a domain name and web hosting to install it.

A domain name is the address of your website on the Internet. This is what your users type into their browser's address bar to access your website.

Web hosting is like the home of your website, where all your site files are stored.

For hosting and your domain name, we recommend Infomaniak, Swiss 100 % hosting provider. Also find our guide to creating a WordPress site on Infomaniak.

If you would like someone experienced to set up your WordPress site, then our Geeks will be happy to help you get started.

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2. Create a WordPress website for ease of use

Despite being the most powerful platform, WordPress is an intuitive tool, easy enough to use for beginners.

It comes with a simple dashboard with different menu options listed in the sidebar. You can easily create posts and pages, customize your site design, add navigation menus, and more.

WordPress makes it easy for beginners to run their own websites without any technical issues.


WordPress regularly releases updates that you can install with a single click. WordPress plugins and themes also release their updates.

For backups, there are great WordPress backup plugins. They allow you to configure automatic backups and store them on a remote location like Google Drive.


Finally, there is security. With some basic WordPress security best practices, you can make your website even more secure. For example, you can install the extension Anti Malware to counter viruses.

When you start, these parameters can seem difficult to understand, but with practice, you will quickly get used to them!Β 

Thousands of users turn out to become real WordPress experts by dint of using the platform, and even make it their job.

If you are a beginner, it might be interesting for you to read our article on the criteria that define a good website.

You can find plenty of resources to help you get started with WordPress. And don't forget, Google is also your best friend: you will inevitably find the answers to your questions on the famous search engine.

3. WordPress is fully customizable to create a unique 100 % website

A large portion of the people who use WordPress are not professional website designers. Most beginners have no programming knowledge.

WordPress happens to be the perfect solution because it offers a multitude of possibilities customization. You have access to a large choice of themes, regardless of the type of website you want to create: blog, online store or showcase site.

Many of these themes come with their option panel which allows you to customize it as you wish with your brand image. Changing colors, modifying the background, menu positioning, etc. And all this without having to integrate even a single line of code.

Creating a WordPress website becomes almost child's play!


If you want more customization elements, you can use a plugin such asElementor to create beautiful landing pages, sales pages, product pages, arrange the text and image areas according to the design you want to give to your site.

You can also add custom features to your WordPress site using plugins. We mention the plugins, but do you really know what they are useful for? They are simply kinds of apps that allow you to add advanced functionality to your website like a contact form, analytics tools, newsletter opt-in pop-ups, and more.

Just like themes, there are thousands of free and premium plugins that you can use. In addition to adding additional features, some WordPress plugins can allow you to transform your website into a whole new platform.

It can be difficult to choose from so many plugins. To help you, here are the essential plugins that we recommend for your site:

  • A contact form plugin such as Contact Form 7 so that your visitors can reach you.
  • An analysis plugin, for example MonsterInsight so you can know how your site is performing and see how many visitors are passing through your site.
  • A search engine optimization plugin so you can get more traffic from google like Rank Math.

You will then need to choose other plugins depending on the type of website you are creating. For example, if you want to create an online store, you will need to install a plugin to manage payments, such as Stripe.

Create a wordpress website: plugins

4. Create any kind of site with WordPress

WordPress can be used in many different ways, from a simple showcase site to a marketplace and much more. Here are some examples of the different types of websites you can create with WordPress.

  • One-page website to promote a business, such as for our client Emarit.
  • A tailor-made online store with advanced features, such as Geekworkers was able to develop for Express Recycling.

But it is also possible to create a blog, an online training site or an online booking interface.Β 

5. WordPress: a suitable tool for referencing your site

You may have created an amazing site, it will be of no interest if there is no traffic or visitors. But if you understood it correctly, you know that WordPress is your best ally for a powerful website. The tool was designed taking into account the requirements of search engines.

WordPress is written using high quality code with semantic markup. Thus, websites developed with WordPress are often top ranked than those created on other platforms.

At Geekworkers, we favor the use of the plugin Rank Math. Powerful and complete tool, this plugin is very accessible. Its configuration wizard will allow you to take it in hand quickly and then, subsequently, to optimize the referencing of your site.

WordPress, a powerful platform for an optimal website

Thus, WordPress sets itself up as leader in the field of website creation. Simple to use and offering an infinite range of possibilities for a fully personalized site, this tool has been able to federate a loyal community of users. As a result, the platform is not likely to disappear anytime soon and seems to be continually developing to allow you to create a website that looks like you, without having advanced programming knowledge.

WordPress also benefits millions of users around the world. It is available in more than 53 languages and powers a large number of multilingual websites.

And if you still want the help of experts to develop your website, call on the professionals of Geekworkers !

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