How to optimize your WordPress site using server cache? (Varnish – OPcache – Redis -Memcached)

By Geekworkers
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Optimizing the performance of a WordPress site is crucial to guarantee an optimal user experience and improve natural referencing (SEO). One of the most effective methods apart from cache plugins like WP-Rocket, WP Fastest Cache or W3 Total Cache To achieve this is the use of server cache systems. This article explores best practices for optimizing your WordPress site using server cache plugins, and specifically recommends Varnish, OPcache, Redis and Memcached for optimal performance.

Why Use a Cache System?

A caching system helps reduce the loading time of web pages by storing copies of frequently used files and data. This reduces the load on the web server and improves response speed for users. Here's an overview of the main caching technologies and how they work.

A slow site can lead to an increased bounce rate, decreased time on site, and lower rankings in search engines like Google.

By optimizing your server with efficient caching solutions, you not only improve the user experience, but also your online visibility.

How to optimize your WordPress site using server cache? (Varnish - OPcache - Redis -Memcached) - GeekWorkers image - 1
WordPress + WooCommerce optimization of a site with more than 10,000 product references

Why is server caching essential for WordPress?

WordPress, while powerful and versatile, can put a considerable strain on your server's resources. Each request from a visitor triggers a series of operations: access to the database, execution of PHP scripts, generation of HTML pages, etc. During busy periods, these operations can considerably slow down your site.

Server caching helps overcome this problem by storing static copies of dynamically generated pages and content. Thus, on subsequent requests, the server can provide these copies directly, without having to repeat resource-intensive operations.

The benefits of server caching are multiple

  • Significant reduction in page load time
  • Improved user experience
  • Reduced load on the server
  • Natural referencing optimization (SEO)

Server caching solutions for WordPress

  1. Varnish: the high-performance reverse proxy
    • Working principle: Varnish acts as an intermediary between your web server and visitors. It caches HTTP responses (HTML pages, images, CSS and JavaScript files) in RAM, allowing them to be served quickly during subsequent requests.
    • Key benefits: Varnish is known for its speed and ability to effectively manage static and dynamic content, making it an ideal solution for high-traffic sites.
  2. OPcache: the PHP code accelerator
    • Working principle: OPcache stores precompiled PHP bytecode in shared memory, avoiding the need to recompile the code on each request.
    • Key benefits: OPcache is an essential PHP extension for improving the performance of WordPress sites. It significantly reduces the execution time of PHP scripts.
  3. Redis: the versatile in-memory database
    • Working principle: Redis is an in-memory NoSQL database that stores structured data (strings, lists, sets, hash tables, etc.). It offers advanced features such as persistence, replication and transactions.
    • Key benefits: The versatility of Redis makes it a powerful tool for caching complex data, managing user sessions, task queues, and many other use cases.
  4. Memcached: the distributed object cache
    • Working principle: Memcached is a distributed caching system that stores simple objects (strings, numbers, etc.) in RAM. It is designed to be simple, fast and scalable.
    • Key benefits: Memcached excels at caching loosely structured data and provides excellent performance for read and write operations.

Comparison table of server cache solutions

Cache typeHTTPPHP OpcodeData in memoryObjects in memory
FunctioningReverse ProxyBytecode cacheDatabaseDistributed cache
Use caseHigh traffic sitesWordPress WebsitesComplex dataSimple data

Recommendations for optimizing your WordPress site

For optimal optimization of your WordPress site, we recommend the joint use of Varnish, OPcache and Memcached. Varnish accelerates the delivery of static and dynamic content, OPcache optimizes the execution of PHP code while Memcached allows objects to be stored in memory simply and efficiently.

If your site requires more complex data storage or user session management, Redis constitutes an ideal complement.

Video explanation: Varnish, OPcache, Redis and Memcached


Don't let your slow WordPress site hinder your online success. At Geekworkers, we specialize in WordPress site creation and optimization. Do not hesitate to contact us for a free and personalized audit of your site. We will help you implement the server cache solutions best suited to your needs, in order to guarantee an optimal user experience and improved SEO.

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